Wednesday, January 7, 2015
PCOS GURLS BLOG: The #HeartforPCOS Campaign is coming this February...
PCOS GURLS BLOG: The #HeartforPCOS Campaign is coming this February...: The #HeartforPCOS Campaign is coming this February Author: Ashley Levinson Twitter:@PCOSGurl Woodbury, New Jersey (January 6, 2015) Febru...
The #HeartforPCOS Campaign is coming this February
The #HeartforPCOS Campaign is coming this February
Author: Ashley Levinson
Woodbury, New Jersey (January 6, 2015)
February Marks the birth of a campaign aimed to increase awareness for women and girls with #PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
The #HeartforPCOSCampaign in conjunction with Cysters and their Misters will unveil events and initiatives through the month of February, with the goal to raise awareness for PCOS and the health risks associated with the syndrome such as Heart Disease and Stroke, in which a woman with PCOS is at seven times greater risk.
Author: Ashley Levinson
Woodbury, New Jersey (January 6, 2015)
February Marks the birth of a campaign aimed to increase awareness for women and girls with #PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
The #HeartforPCOSCampaign in conjunction with Cysters and their Misters will unveil events and initiatives through the month of February, with the goal to raise awareness for PCOS and the health risks associated with the syndrome such as Heart Disease and Stroke, in which a woman with PCOS is at seven times greater risk.
The hope of the campaign is to enlighten people as to the need for more PCOS Awareness to help avoid future serious health complications..
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common metabolic disorder of reproductive-age women in the United States, it is associated with life-threatening medical illnesses putting American women at grave risk for heart attack, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer and they don’t even know it.
Many women with PCOS, have gone years without the proper diagnosis and have silently suffered not knowing what was truly wrong. Even in today’s medically advanced era, women from around the country are experiencing the same lack of response from a medical community with little understanding of PCOS, except in rare cases when the infertility aspect are addressed. As a result, single women, older women and those not trying to get pregnant have little chance of being diagnosed.
Did you know?
·PCOS affects an estimated 10% of reproductive-age women in the U.S.
·Over 50% of PCOS patients are obese; 50% have diabetes by age 40
·PCOS patients are at higher risk to develop high blood pressure, lipid disorders and coronary artery disease
·New studies have shown that as many as 40% of PCOS patients as young as age 30-45 may have coronary calcification (a warning of heart attack risk)
The good news is with this campaign and use of social media, the word is spreading. Physicians are now recognizing the symptoms and sending women to endocrinologists for testing. In addition, research on PCOS and its causes has increased, greatly. Now with the help of many dedicated volunteers from across the country, There is an outlet for people who want to dedicate their time to help women, girls and the public at large learn about and understand PCOS!
The #HeartforPCOSCampaign, Cysters and their Misters and their volunteers plan to speak very openly about their struggle, symptoms, and avenues they have taken to help other women interpret the information available about PCOS, through the resources provided by this campaigns partners and educational initiatives! Cysters and their Misters will be a driving force in letting women and girls know they are not alone!
Remember…. Early diagnosis and treatment of PCOS can lower future health risks! To be part of our upcoming events and initiatives for the #HeartforPCOSCampaign please join the Cysters and their Misters (PCOS Support) Group on Facebook and/or follow @PCOSGurl on Twitter
2/1/15 – 2/28/15 #HEARTFORPCOS Ribbon Campaign
- Volunteer to make and send postcards and teal ribbons to family, friends and celebrities to raise PCOS Awareness
2/12/15 – #PCOS #PCOSCHAT on Twitter @7PM EST hosted by @pcosgurl
- We will be talking about #PCOS and #Heart Health
2/14/15 - #PCOS Heart to Heart Campaign
- Online photos of #PCOS community members and the people whom love them
2/15/15 - 2/22/15 - Wear teal with some Heart
- Asking everyone to wear teal and red together to represent how #PCOS affects Heart Health and to share their pictures of wearing their red n teal with pride!
2/22/15-2/28/15 - Women with PCOS speak from the Heart
- The unveiling of a PCOS Channel for women and girls with PCOS to speak out about life, love and living with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome through vlogging
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